LDSBC Helps Karanda Keep Her Dreams Alive
“I didn’t want to let my parents or my community down by going to a small college. But once I looked into it, I realized this school had much more to offer than I had ever realized."
January 2016
Receiving the LeGrand Richards Service Scholarship for recently returned missionaries at LDS Business College was beyond my wildest dreams. I had struggled in school, primarily because I was dyslexic. When I began high school, I read at only a fifth-grade level. Years of hard work and prayers - and a few miracles - changed all that.
Somehow, after I graduated high school, a college placement test reflected that I could read at a college level. I am proof that God exists and answers prayers. I would never be in college were it not for this miraculous answer to prayer.
Another miracle was my scholarship at LDSBC. I was shocked to receive such an amazing gift. With my struggles in high school, I never thought in a million years I could even attend college.
My classes at LDSBC give me hands-on learning. During my first semester, I was asked to help market my teacher’s business. Wow, that was a neat experience! I learned a lot of marketing skills through that opportunity.
LDSBC has also helped me to learn how to turn my fears of the future into faith by working diligently and trusting the Lord. As I have done this, my worries have gone away. I also met my husband here; we were married last April.
When I graduate I plan on being a mom and raising our children. If circumstances don’t pan out accordingly, I would love to work in social media marketing or public affairs for the Church. My plans may not always go as I expect, but I know the Lord has great plans in store for my beautiful family and me.
“I didn’t want to let my parents or my community down by going to a small college. But once I looked into it, I realized this school had much more to offer than I had ever realized."
Kasandra Matus aspired to attend an institution where she could grow both intellectually and spiritually. Her journey toward making that dream come true involved support from both her family and donors.
A recipient of a single-parent scholarship, Stephanie says, "Knowing that strangers care enough about me to invest in my future—in my success—gives me the drive and the confidence to do my best. I want to prove through my hard work, study habits, and grades that I am worth the investment that others have made in me and my family.”