Thanks to you,students in need get market-readyskills and spiritual strength.

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Ensign College

Ensign College provides a market-driven, skills-based education with associate and bachelor’s degrees offered in fields where employment demand is high and entry-level earning potential is excellent.

Giving Opportunities

Current fundraising priorities at Ensign College include scholarships focused on needs-based student aid as well as scholarships for students who demonstrate leadership and service. Student aid scholarships support internships, leadership, missionary service, international students, and PathwayConnect graduates.

“For anyone that is worthy, willing, and qualified, we warmly welcome you to an institution that is a beacon of hope and opportunity.”

- President Bruce C. Kusch
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Ensign College President’s Report

When I was a new missionary serving in a small branch in the western highlands of Guatemala, my senior companion was Elder Jorge Solano from San José, Costa Rica.

I loved and admired Elder Solano, and I learned many important lessons from him. He was a great teacher of the gospel. He had a great sense of humor, and he was a captivating storyteller. Everyone loved him. But above all, Elder Solano was deeply committed to being the best missionary that he could be, and he took his responsibility seriously to be an obedient, worthy representative of Jesus Christ.

I was committed to my pledge to worthily represent the Savior. But one Saturday morning, Elder Solano helped me see that I didn’t yet understand what it meant to be committed to live to a higher standard and to keep the promise I had made as a missionary to represent Christ at all times and in all places.

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