College of Life Sciences

Male BYU religion professor and two female students studying a stream outdoors.

Promoting Curiosity

In an educational environment focused on hands-on learning, the College of Life Sciences promotes curiosity and understanding through experience.

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Connecting Science and Spiritual Learning

The college’s departments include Biology; Exercise Sciences; Microbiology & Molecular Biology; Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science; Cell Biology & Physiology; Plant & Wildlife Sciences; Public Health; and Neuroscience. The college offers a variety of graduate and undergraduate programs, as well as distinctive opportunities to participate in mentored research, field work, and studies abroad.

The college strives to connect ideas of science and academics to spiritual learning, with the goal of preparing students to build the Kingdom around the world. Emphasis is placed on cultivating a sense of curiosity that inspires discovery as the college provides students with significant experiential learning opportunities.

Support from alumni and friends is vital to many students’ educational success. Donations to the College of Life Sciences allow for student scholarships, internships, research awards, lab experience, and faculty support. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

College of Life Sciences Stories