Scholarships Help Her Succeed
“I saw the scholarship as such a huge blessing.”
Change people's lives at home and around the world
December 2021
As students walk into Ensign College, one of the first things they see is a statue entitled Praying Christ by J. Kirk Richards. The statue was recently commissioned by a longtime donor of Ensign College. After having countless pieces of religious art in their own home and seeing the affect it had on their family, the donor hoped to bring the same impact to students through the statue. The piece is intended to inspire feelings of reverence and solitude as students pass by every day and observe Christ deep in prayer. The statue also serves as a reminder to put Christ at the center of everything, including education.
“I saw the scholarship as such a huge blessing.”
Kerry and Cynthia Belnap love being members of the Fox Society. Kerry was introduced to the society during the 28 years he worked in the Philanthropies Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As Kerry and Cynthia met and interacted with donors, students, and professors as a part of Kerry’s job, they both felt drawn to participating in the society.
Maren Higginbotham, a native of Riverside, California, and a recent alum of Ensign College’s interior design program, has seen how her education carefully prepared her for a career after graduation.