
What Scholarships Are
Scholarships provide financial assistance to thousands of deserving BYU students each semester. Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, personal achievement, and financial need, and recipients are required to maintain good grades and good university citizenship.
Why Scholarships Are a Priority

BYU is a student-focused university, so assisting students is a top priority. Scholarships open the doors of education to prospective students from a variety of backgrounds.
Noting the importance of helping students to obtain an education, President Gordon B. Hinckley taught: “You never can foretell the consequences of a dollar invested in education. It goes on multiplying itself. It becomes not an expenditure but an investment that pays returns far and wide and through generations to come.”
How Scholarships Help
Scholarships encourage students to achieve academic and personal success. Without scholarships, many students may not be able to enroll at BYU.

Scholarships also help to attract and to retain outstanding students in all disciplines. Many of these deserving students pass up scholarships at other institutions in order to attend BYU. Other students come from large families supporting other students or missionaries or from families of limited means. Some students come from places where access to education is limited.
As many as one in five BYU students receives a donor-funded scholarship each semester, but the demand always exceeds the supply. More students would benefit from more scholarships. As you help fund scholarships, your generosity will change lives.
Make a Gift to BYU Scholarships
Signature Scholarships
A Signature Scholarship allows you to name your scholarship, whether for yourself, your organization, or a loved one. You may also designate your scholarship for a student from a particular BYU college.