Transitioning from the Mission
Jan 2020

After returning home from his mission, Nathan Christensen, from Farmington, Utah, was anxiously praying about what to do when he was told, “You need to go to LDS Business College.”
“Getting my start at LDSBC has become one of the best decisions ever because it has allowed me to live at home while going to school,” Nathan says. It also has helped him grow closer to his dad and brother while saving money. In fact, he has even convinced a few of his mission buddies to attend LDSBC as well. “They came to save money and get their start too, and it’s been awesome,” says Nathan.
For Nathan, attending LDSBC has been a great transition between a mission and a big university. “Being here has been great,” he says. “I feel like the Spirit in the classes has really helped me adjust. In communications, we learned about how the Spirit affects interpersonal communications. In accounting, we talked about the nature of God being organized. LDSBC has been a great transition for me coming off a mission.”
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