Employee Giving
Thank you for investing your time, talents, and resources to help BYU-Pathway accomplish its mission of developing disciples of Jesus Christ who are leaders in their homes, the Church, and their communities. The goal of our Employee Giving Campaign is participation! By encouraging all to participate, we hope all employees feel the blessing of giving to bless our brothers and sisters around the world.
When We Give a Little, We Make a Significant Impact
For many students, studying through BYU-Pathway Worldwide can be a great financial sacrifice so even when we give a little, it can make a significant impact. This means if you set up a recurring donation each month for the amounts* below you could make the difference in whether a student can continue their education.
*2019 BYU-Pathway Worldwide tuition rates
1/2 Credit Hour
$3.04 per month
One Credit Hour
$6.08 per month
One Two-Credit Course
$12.17 per month
One Semester
$30.42 per month
Two Semesters
$60.83 per month
A Year of PathwayConnect or First Certificate
$91.25 per month
Benefits of PathwayConnect
“You never can foretell the consequences of a dollar invested in education. It goes on multiplying itself. It becomes not an expenditure but an investment that pays returns far and wide and through generations to come.”
- Gordon B. Hinckley

Increased Testimony of their Savior

Feel more confidence in themselves

Continue education and/or improve employment

Refer PathwayConnect to a friend
18.2% year-over-year growth compared to 2017 | 24.3% year-over-year growth compared to 2017
Make a one-time donation today or set up a recurring donation.
Remember, when you make a gift to the Employee Giving Campaign, you are helping our students gain the confidence and abilities needed to succeed in life. We hope you will join with your peers to make a difference in 2019 that will continue to be felt in years to come as our students build lifelong friendships and deepen their testimonies of Jesus Christ.