How Can I Give Back?

There are two ways you can help the students who follow in your footsteps at BYU-Idaho.

Make a Donation

You can give to help BYU-Idaho students in financial need. Thousands of students rely on the Thomas E. Ricks Grant.

Make a Gift

Mentor and Network

Mentor and network alums and students through BYU-Idaho Alumni. You can sign up on the alumni website.

Get Connected

The Spirit of Ricks

“The Spirit of Ricks [is] that individualized attention, the lifting, the succoring, the nurturing . . . It’s not the place; it’s the people in this place who have this distinctive capacity to focus less on self . . . and turn to bless young people so that they can in turn bless many other people for the rest of their lives.”

— Elder David A. Bednar, BYU-Idaho Faculty Meeting, January 26, 2016

You know better than anyone how students on Brigham Young University-Idaho’s campus deepen their conversion, strengthen their faith, grow their intellect and understanding, form lifelong bonds with friends and mentors, and discover their potential. Hopefully your experience at BYU-Idaho included all of this and much, much more.

Generosity and kindness are at the core of what makes BYU-Idaho a special, sacred place. Selfless people—professors, classmates, bishops, and so many others—use their time and talents to reach out and bless. And now as a graduate of BYU-Idaho, you have an opportunity to give back.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much of my donation will go to help students at BYU-Idaho?

All of it. Every penny you donate will bless students at BYU-Idaho through the fund account you choose.

Who will my donation help?

More than 7,000 students received need-based aid in 2019. You’ll help students like Ashlyn Brinkman who found it difficult to hold a job because she has Ehlers-Danloss syndrome. Ashlyn struggled to make ends meet until she received the Ricks Grant from BYU-Idaho. “You may not see it,” she says, “but a lot of people really need [that aid].”

Why should I donate?

That’s really up to you. But in the scriptures and the words of modern prophets, you will find many blessings promised to those who give and lift others. In Luke 6:38, Jesus promised, “Give, and it shall be given unto you. . . . For with the same measure that ye mete, withal it shall be measured to you again.” Can you think of a scripture or a teaching from a prophet about giving? How might giving bless your life?

What if I can’t make a gift right now?

As much as we want to make a difference for others, it’s sometimes not the right time—and that’s okay. You are still a valued, beloved member of the BYU-Idaho community. You can give any amount at any time. When the time is right for you, you’re invited to make a donation.

Also, if you’re looking for employment right now, you might try visiting the Career Center on BYU-Idaho’s website. There, you’ll find helpful resources to assist in your job hunt.

Contact Us

Thank You

We hope you’ll stay connected and find ways to help those who will follow in your footsteps.

Give Back