An Inspired Learning Model
March 2024
Together with some close friends, Michael Murphy from Fresno, California, applied to BYU-Idaho during his senior year of high school. Because of the exceptional students and instructors he met while attending BYU-Idaho during his first semester, he made the decision to pursue his four-year degree at the university. Murphy discovered that “the more he gave, the more he received,” both inside and outside of the classroom in Rexburg.
A pivotal aspect of the BYU-Idaho educational model that profoundly impacted Murphy was the BYU-Idaho Learning Model Process. “Preparing for class, placing a strong emphasis on teaching one another, and subsequently pondering and proving what we learned brought me closer to the Lord,” says Murphy. “When I came to class prepared, I found that I had greater opportunities to teach those around me. Additionally, there were many of my peers who mentored me. The university is really focused on helping you learn and grow as a disciple of Christ.”
Murphy initially majored in premed, but he later transitioned to business analytics. He also held down a student job as an academic advisor. His degree led him to Vivint’s finance department and, more recently, to J.P. Morgan as a business analyst.
In addition to the people he met in Rexburg, Murphy is thankful for the financial support he received from generous donors. “Financial aid allowed me to focus my time on my education and working with my peers in academic advisement. Financial aid was a catalyst in helping me to finish my bachelor’s degree. I will always be incredibly thankful for those who aid students in reaching their dreams.”
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