
I-Give orange logo featuring the Spori building

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Why Should Students Give?

College life isn’t easy—riding a rusty bike to class, wrestling your roommate for the last box of mac and cheese, cramming for your humanities final, and on and on. So why would students, who are already poor, want to give to other students?

I-Give is about becoming better through giving and making sacrifices. At a season of life when many people are turned inward and focused on themselves, this is a chance to reach out and help a student who needs it even more than you do. And when you do that, it makes you better. 

How does your gift to I-Give help students?

Why Give?

“Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men given into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” —Luke 6:38

Giving presents us with a unique opportunity to lift and bless others. When you donate through Together for Greatness, 100 percent of your gift goes to the account you specify. Whether you elect to help students through Pathway, scholarships, the Trustees/President’s Fund, or another account, your full donation will be used to bless the lives of students in the designated way.

“We hope many more individuals will feel part of the wonderful miracles taking place in the lives of students both here on campus and all around the world. This website will help you discover how philanthropic gifts are a significant part of that process and what is needed to accelerate the work. More and more of our friends are connecting with BYU-Idaho by contributing through this interactive site.” —President Clark G. Gilbert

Campus Events

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