GPC Spotlight
Paul Comstock
I have been asked to give you a sense of why I have been engaged with Philanthropies. In doing so it requires that I explain what I chose to have as the primary driver behind my efforts over 30 years ago. Early in my career I made the decision to focus on the issues surrounding human nature and the needs of individuals outside of the money. The reason was simple. It was the safest career path. I realized that human nature doesn’t change; tax law and financial instruments do.
I found that most of my peers and their sponsoring organizations in the industry were looking at setting themselves apart by offering higher returns or a better way to reduce or eliminate taxes. While both are instrumental in delivering value added benefits for the compensation we receive, it was the impact on individual lives that I realized was where I could truly make a unique difference. It was the area that I repeatedly found delivered the greatest value added results over multiple generations. The formula I followed and am constantly working to better understand is certain and divinely offered. It came in the form of a very specific outline of principles for achieving universal success. It applied to all my clients regardless of individual circumstances. It was the Gospel of Jesus Christ in action and application.
Serving as a Bishop burned within me that this choice was a good one. It exposed me to the fact that each individual was a child of God with a divine purpose. I recognized that each had infinite worth ready to be developed. I understood that I needed to do all I could as a partner with Heavenly Father to help that divine purpose occur; not to put road blocks in its way. Consequently, I began to monitor my professional work against the benchmark of “Were my efforts to provide advice enhancing who each client and their family members could become or was it just about more money; theirs and mine?”
With that as my professional benchmark, how could I not be involved with the mission of Philanthropies? How can any advisor who has a testimony of what Heavenly Father has as His objectives for each of His children not get on board with the collective efforts to further that cause? The issue is not whether or not to be involved, it is how that involvement influences and interprets the way we as professionals in each specific area of financial planning services, whether, tax, legal, investment or relationships interact with each other and our clients.
One of the greatest blessings I have had was the privilege of serving as the President of the Advisory Council. It was no different than being called to work as a partner with Heavenly Father and his Son through the inspired efforts of the Priesthood. While not a calling, it clearly offered the opportunity to feel the inspiration of what can be done when we combine true gospel principles with our secular knowledge of how to work with wealth for the benefit of those who have it and are trying to use it for righteous purposes.
My goal as President was to insure that all who attended the annual conference felt the same spirit as if attending any Church conference, fireside or other inspired meeting. I wanted to be certain that they had an experience unlike any other continuing education program that they might attend. I have to say that the conference provides that in a way I had never felt possible. Each one is better than the last. How can that be? Simple, the venue and agenda reflects the will of the Lord as He would have us ply our knowledge and advice with His children.
I will freely admit that I am still suffering from assignment withdrawal. So be sensitive about this fact when talking with me at the conference. I may be somewhat aggressive in expressing how I feel about this topic and the opportunity to be with each of those who attend. Humor me please.
Now, when you are planning your calendar for November, it is essential that you give yourself a reward and a break from the worldly activities that we all face daily in the handling of client requests and needs. You must attend this once a year retreat to be nourished with that which is truly important in how we conduct our business of advising others. Don’t miss the opportunity to step back and reconnect with that which you know to be true. Integrate the eternal principles of the gospel with your secular knowledge so that you can then go away from conference with a renewed commitment to apply the eternal principles you know to be true in all you do professionally. See you soon!
The picture was provided not for the article but for you to see they let me out of the home every once in a while.
Have a nice day!
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