Brian K. Ashton Installed as BYU-Pathway Worldwide’s Second President
May 2022

Brian K. Ashton Installed as BYU-Pathway Worldwide’s Second President
On March 10, 2022, President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ, and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, installed Brian K. Ashton as the second president of BYU-Pathway. Elder Holland highlighted the individuality and excitement of what BYU-Pathway is accomplishing at a time when the world needs education the most.
“I consider the creation of BYU-Pathway Worldwide to be the most important and most far-reaching development in the Church Educational System since the creation of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion over a century ago.”
— Elder Jeffrey R. HollandWatch Inauguration Highlights
Sister Sara McGill, a service missionary, spoke at the inauguration and shared the significant sacrifices students make for the opportunity to receive an education, like traveling great distances; going without food or other necessities to pay for internet access; or using smartphones to complete assignments.

fail to receive two meals a day

experience unstable housing

have limited internet connection
She said, “Jesus Christ is the Savior of the whole world, and BYU-Pathway is one of the ways He is lifting souls worldwide. He has not forgotten anyone, regardless of the crack, or corner, village, or city in which they find themselves.
At a dinner preceding the ceremony, student Edna Mafavuke, from Zimbabwe, shared her experience receiving a scholarship, which gave her the hope and help she needed to continue her education. She said, “Because of the Heber J. Grant Scholarship, BYU-Pathway came into my life as a dream come true and l am being refined to be the person the Lord wants me to be.” Elder D. Todd Christofferson concluded the dinner by saying, “There seems to be no end to the good that can come from being a part of BYU-Pathway Worldwide.”