Frequently Asked Questions
Current Payroll
Why can't I see my current payroll?
Your My Account user may not be linked properly with the system that stores your payroll information. To ensure that your user is linked, please complete the following steps:
- Click on the "My Account and Donor Profile" text in the top right of the screen.
- Once the “Donor Profile” page loads, check to see if there is a “Link my Donation History” button present on the page.
- If there is a button: Click on the “Link my Donation History” button and fill out the request form that appears. You will receive an email informing you that your account is linked when the process is complete. • *Note: Please make sure the email on your account is where we can contact you.
- If there is NO button: - Please send an email to: - Please mention this is regarding BYU–Hawaii Employee Giving and include your Name and Email address when contacting us for assistance.
What is Philanthropies and what is its relationship to Employee Giving?
Philanthropies operates as a department of the Office of the Presiding Bishopric and is responsible to correlate, encourage, and facilitate contributions - beyond tithes and offerings - to the Church and its affiliate organizations. All donations from Employee Giving are processed through Philanthropies, and then 100% of the monies raised are put in the fund allocated.
Why give to BYU–Hawaii?
Many employees give because of the students, to invest in BYU–Hawaii, or to invest in their department. They know that others will be blessed by their donations, and that they are blessed for giving.
How much should employees give?
We do not suggest gift amounts. Rather, we ask employees to participate at a meaningful level that reflects their individual commitment and financial ability. The purpose of this campaign is participation focused; when everyone gives a little, it makes a large difference.
Where does our money go?
100% of all employee contributions go to accounts the employee designates.