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BYU-Hawaii FAQ for Recurring Donors

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1. Why are the accounts closing?

In 2019, the Church Educational System issued updated fundraising guidelines that focus on student aid. As a result, the Philanthropies Department, in coordination with university and college leaders, has performed a detailed review of over 8,000 different fundraising accounts. The review was to determine whether the fund accounts continued to comply with the fundraising guidelines. The accounts that have been inactivated were identified by the university or college as not being aligned with the fundraising guidelines or have had little activity in the last five years and are not administratively feasible to continue to manage.

2. When will/did the accounts go inactive? Where has my money been going?

Accounts were inactivated throughout 2019 as identified by the university or colleges. However, recurring donations have continued to be credited to the fund account until communications were made with donors with recurring credit card or payroll donations. Donations collected during this time have continued to be credited to these fund accounts, and those administrations that have stewardship over those funds are deciding how to use the funds.

Accounts will be deactivated March 31, 2020.

3. What will happen to the money in the accounts?

Donations collected during this time have continued to be credited to these fund accounts, and those administrations that have stewardship over those funds are deciding how to use the funds.

4. Will any additional accounts go inactive in the future? How will I be notified if that happens?

Additional accounts may become inactive in the future. Regular reviews of fund accounts will continue to occur jointly with the university and colleges and Philanthropies Department as active participants. As objectives of a particular fund account are met or change, as determined by university or college leadership, fund accounts may be inactivated. Communications will be provided to active donors if fund accounts are closed in the future.

5. How long will it take to make the changes online to a new account?

It should take you less than five minutes to change the account your donation goes to. If you are a credit card recurring donor, you can make the changes on the Philanthropies Department website by going to and selecting “My Account and Donor Profile” in the upper right-hand corner. If you are a BYU-Hawaii employee, you can make changes to your payroll deduction by calling (801) 356-5211.

6. Will the fund accounts that went inactive be funded in another way?

Those fund accounts that were funding operational activities rather than student aid have been reviewed by university leadership. If determined to be critical, these activities will be funded through budget allocations in the future. If they were not deemed to be critical, they may not be funded.

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